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Showing posts from July 31, 2017

Killer Barry

Ignore the unhappy look on my face, it's just because I couldn't breathe. Barry's Bootcamp is about as hard as it gets. I workout on a daily basis and this place kicked my butt. I have taken their arms and abs as well as their butt and legs class. I left both of these classes with my shirt see through I was sweating so much. They assign you a treadmill or floor space and you either start you off on the floor or the treadmill. I liked starting on the treadmill better because it's a good warm up and when you are done you end on the floor which is better for stretching. You don't get to necessarily choose though. They do two rounds. You are on the treadmill twice and on the floor twice doing multiple exercises on the floor. I wasn't necessarily sore the next day but I was exhausted at the end. If you want to be tired and sweaty, then go to Barry's.