As someone who does a lot of googling, naturally, I end up on Wikipedia pretty often. On one of my trips through the blackhole that is Google, I found myself on the Wikipedia page for "Physical Exercise". There were a lot of basic points on this page about how physical exercise is good for your health and some points that went in depth about the different types and why exactly you should be enjoying some type of physical exercise every once in a while. As I scrolled down however, there was a very small section on "fitness" that didn't seem right to me: Individuals can increase fitness following increases in physical activity levels. [24] Increases in muscle size from resistance training is primarily determined by diet and testosterone. [25] This genetic variation in improvement from training is one of the key physiological differences between elite athletes and the larger population. [26] [27] Studies have shown that exercising in middle age leads ...
In the Big Apple, we are given so many choices on how we take care of our overall wellness. On Burpees, Bites, Beauty, I will be giving readers a review of all of the beauty products, healthy restaurants or recipes as well as the hardest workouts I can find. I hope to help New Yorkers narrow down the best places in the city to help them find their best self.